Hannah Chatham


Service & Spatial Design

  • Planning ideal pedestrian navigation in public spaces
  • Service design planning and diagramming
  • Ethnography & user research
  • Information architecture

Visual Design

  • Graphic and visual design
  • Copywriting
  • Sketching & ideation
  • 3D visualization in Solidworks & Keyshot
  • Experience with consumer goods for the home, particularly in the bathroom & kitchen areas


  • UI/UX design
  • Web and mobile development
  • Voiceover
  • Sound & audio splicing
  • Simple video editing

 I employ biomimicry principles and aim to work on products and services that improve the climate change crisis, and overall make our lives happier and healthier. If I am working on a design project, these steps usually look something like this:

  • Distill design function (What is your want the design to do?)
  • Translate to biology (How does nature do this?)
  • Discover natural models
  • Emulate nature's answer by overlaying onto your design challenge
  • Evaluate the finished design against "Life Principles" listed at right
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